In-App Swaps
Trading and DEX usage within the GUI
Last updated
Trading and DEX usage within the GUI
Last updated
There are several ways to trade and swap assets with the Instadapp interface.
1) To trade an asset in the DSA, click Balances on any page or return to the dashboard main page.
2) Locate the asset to be traded; and click Trade
3) This will open the Trade panel
4) Click on the sell or receive asset to change your selections
5) The trade panel will display all assets available for trading click to finalize the selection
6) Click on Use Max to spend the entire available balance
7) Before clicking Trade the interface will show the market rate of the trade as well as the projected slippage.
8) To finalize the transaction click on Trade
9) Confirm the swap transaction on Metamask
10) Once the transaction confirms, the interface will update the balances. The GUI will also display a small popup in the corner once the transaction is confirmed. Clicking it will take you to the transaction explorer.