Build a Connector

Add Custom Connectors

  1. Fork and clone it

  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b new-connector

  3. Add the connector solidity file to contracts/connectors

  4. Commit changes: git commit -am 'Added a connector'

  5. Push to the remote branch: git push origin new-connector

  6. Create a new Pull Request.


Be sure to comply with the requirements while building connectors for better compatibility.

  • Import common files from contracts/common directory.

  • The contracts should not have selfdestruct().

  • The contracts should not have delegatecall().

  • Use uint(-1) for maximum amount everywhere.

  • Use getEthAddr() to denote Ethereum (non-ERC20).

  • Use address(this) instead of msg.sender for fetching balance on-chain, etc.

  • Only approve() limited amount while giving ERC20 allowance, which strictly needs to be 0 by the end of the spell.

  • Use getId() for getting value that saved from previous spell.

  • Use setId() for setting value to save for the future spell.

Last updated