
Aave Resolver fetch Position of user. You can view details like source code, ABIs on Etherscan.

Get Position

Fetch aave position of a user with just a single call.

dsa.aave.getPosition(address, key);

Returns: Object with all the Compound details

"eth": {
  "priceInEth": 1,
  "supply": 0.020001941382760555,
  "borrow": 0,
  "borrowFee": 0,
  "supplyYield": 0.010534205695367227,
  "borrowYield": 2.078140652407834,
"dai": {},
"usdc": {},
"totalSupplyInEth": 0.043728986801881906,
"totalBorrowInEth": 0.0023955855814168704,
"maxBorrowLimitInEth": 0.032796740101411426,
"totalFeeInETH": 0.000003279674010141,
"status": 0.05478255401320606,
"liquidation": 0.7499999999999999

Last updated