Curve yUSD

Curve Resolver fetch position of user, Buy, Deposit and Withdraw details. You can view details like source code, ABIs on Etherscan.

Get Position

Fetch the Curve position details of an address


Returns: Object with all the Position details.Copy

  "curveBalance": 0,
  "totalSupply": 0,
  "virtualPrice": "1.0088886123601257",
  "userShare": 0,
  "daiPoolBalance": 0,
  "usdcPoolBalance": 0,
  "usdtPoolBalance": 0,
  "tusdPoolBalance": 0,
  "stakedCurveBalance": 0,
  "rewardsEarned:" 0,
  "yfiTokenBalance": 0


Get Buy Amount

Fetch amount of tokens to buy of a user with just a single call.Copy

dsa.curve_y.getBuyAmount(buyToken, sellToken, sellAmt, slippage)

Returns: Object of buy token details

  buyAmt: "2208.0499999999997",
  buyAmtRaw: "2208050000000000000000",
  unitAmt: "216388900000000000000",
  virtualPrice: "1.0088886123601257"

Get Deposit Amount

Fetch amount of tokens to deposit of a user with just a single call

dsa.curve_y.getDepositAmount(token, amount, slippage)

Returns: Object of buy token details.Copy

  curveAmt: "2208.0499999999997",
  curveAmtRaw: "2208050000000000000000",
  unitAmt: "216388900000000000000",
  virtualPrice: "1.0088886123601257"

Get Withdraw Amount

Fetch amount of Curve token to redeem of a user with just a single call.Copy

dsa.curve_y.getWithdrawAmount(token, amount, slippage)

Returns: Object of withdraw token details.Copy

  curveAmt: "2208.0499999999997",
  curveAmtRaw: "2208050000000000000000",
  unitAmt: "216388900000000000000",
  virtualPrice: "1.0088886123601257"

Get Withdraw Raw Amount

Returns token amount and unit amount with just a single call.Copy

dsa.curve_y.getWithdrawTokenAmount(token, amt, slippage)

Returns: Object of withdraw token details.Copy

  amt: "2208.0499999999997",
  amtRaw: "2208050000000000000000",
  unitAmt: "216388900000000000000",
  virtualPrice: "1.0088886123601257"

Last updated